The State Bar’s offices are closed to the public until May 11, 2020. The Board of Trustees has adopted new emergency rules so that proceedings can move forward in these times of social distancing and shelter in place. ENECs and VSC will proceed under new rules with remote technology.
General Order 20-05 Order Rescinding General Order 20-04 effective April 17, 2020
General Notice and FAQs effective April 17, 2020. Q/A excerpts below are 6, 7, and 8 only. To see full document go to link above.
Updated Question 6: I had an Early Neutral Evaluation
Conference (ENEC) or a Voluntary Settlement Conference (VSC) scheduled that was vacated pursuant to Hearing Department General Order 20-23. Is the court intending to hold ENECs or VSCs remotely?
Updated Answer 6: The court is scheduling remote conferences for some State Bar Court proceedings, including ENECs, VSCs, and Alternative Discipline Program proceedings. Parties will be provided with notice from the court in a particular case. Parties should continue their efforts to settle the matter on their own.
Updated Question 7: Can a party serve an opposing party electronically?
Updated Answer 7: Yes. Interim Rule of Procedure 5.26.1, effective April 16, 2020, permits electronic service.1 General Order 20-02 provides for the electronic submission of pleadings and settlement-related documents to the State Bar Court via email while the State Bar buildings are closed to the public. This is not the equivalent of electronic filing or “e-filing.”
Question 8: Do parties still need to mail the hard copy pleading with original signature to the State Bar Court if they submitted it by email?
Updated Answer 8: No. Pursuant to General Order 20-02, the State Bar Court will accept electronic submission of pleadings and Early Neutral Evaluation Conference and settlementrelated documents that are submitted with an original signature and otherwise satisfy the requirements of State Bar Court Rules of Practice, rule 1110. The court will not provide a conformed copy of the document when filed. Prior to April 1, 2020, a party may use their “sent” email with the attached pleading or other document as documentation of the submission. Effective April 1, 2020, the court will send an email to the submitting party confirming that the document has been filed. The email confirmation shall serve as documentation of the filing.
General Order 20-04 Regarding Electronic Service
General Order 20-03 Regarding Electronic Signatures
General Notice and FAQs effective March 27, 2020
Hearing Department General Order 20-23 Regarding Abatement Due to COVID-19 March 17, 2020, through May 11, 2020
General Notice and FAQs effective March 19, 2020
Hearing Department General Order 20-22 Regarding Abatement Due to COVID-19, March 17, 2020, Through April 13, 2020
General Order 20-02 Regarding Electronic Submissions
General Order 20-01 Regarding State Bar Court Business Related to State Bar Facilities Closure
Happy Holidays 2024
Civility Increases Effectiveness and Profits
LACBA Networking Holiday Party
When you get a letter from the State Bar, don’t go it alone! You need competent, experienced counsel to respond to the State Bar at every stage. Your license is at risk, so ensure you have the best representation from a former State Bar prosecutor before sending any response to an investigator or responding to formal charges leveled by the State Bar. You cannot make an informed decision without good advice. Call Erin now.