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The State Bar has an Ethics Hotline which can provide you with some references to the right disciplinary rules to start your research. But when you are faced with an ethical quandary and don’t know which way to turn, contact Erin for a consultation which will help you resolve your problem. The added bonus is that if you face a situation where cannot afford to get it wrong, reliance of the advice of counsel may negate any finding of willfulness in subsequent proceedings, so long as you obtain competent advice.

When you don’t know the answer, contact Erin and she can provide an hourly consultation when you need it most.



When you get a letter from the State Bar, don’t go it alone! You need competent, experienced counsel to respond to the State Bar at every stage. Your license is at risk, so ensure you have the best representation from a former State Bar prosecutor before sending any response to an investigator or responding to formal charges leveled by the State Bar. You cannot make an informed decision without good advice. Call Erin now.

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